There’s something undeniably thrilling about sabering a bottle of champagne. The satisfying pop of the cork flying through the air, the celebratory cascade of golden bubbles—it’s an act that fuses elegance with just the right touch of showmanship. But beyond the spectacle, sabrage is an art, steeped in history and bound by precise technique. While …
People-Centered Restaurant: Choosing Restaurant Concept
As the restaurant business keeps developing at a crazy pace literally all over the world, the number of concepts for a successful and popular restaurant constantly grows. There are many approaches to design and the general organization of space – minimalistic, oriental, Asian, family-style, farm-style, fantasy, classic, etc. Within each category, there are a plethora …
The Ultimate Attraction: Restaurant And Casino Together
While having a loud and noisy crowded casino house nearby, or even working together with such a casino house may not be the dream of their lives for the majority of restaurant owners who would like to see their restaurants as elegant and relaxing places, in fact, being part of such a festive place is …
To BAR or not to BAR, that is the question
If you have happened to gamble once or twice in your life, then you know the real purpose of alcohol in a venue. Even having done it from the comfort of your couch (like all the whizz-kids do nowadays – using a smartphone or an iPad for playing pokies online) but having prepared the ambiance …